Sunday, July 15, 2012

Love that was lost

Dear Person I can't get out of my head,
You've been stuck in my head eversince we broke up.

The other night I had a dream about you. Did you know suppossedly if you dream about someone they fell asleep thinking about you. Where you thinking about me? If so that makes me happy. The dream was the following:

I walked into our church and you where there minus your little group. You came up to me and said "I've been waiting for you", my reply was "Why?". You casually picked me up and made me stand on a step so we where eye to eye then you kissed me. 

God I  miss your kisses why did you have to break up with me. I miss you so much just so so much. Sometimes at night I go to bed crying myself to sleep because I miss you so much. Even though you have caused me so much heartache I still love you how is that possible. Why do you evoke such feelings inside me. Why?  


We have so many and I cherish all off them.

Well I am off to go cry and try to work up the balls to actually talk to you so goodbye person I never truly got over.

Goodbye Love,
 Teenager Point Of View

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Definition of Normal and Crazy

Whats the definition of normal?

The definition of normal is:
conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
Who agrees with that?
 I don't but what do I know right.
Whats the definition of crazy?
The definition of crazy is: 
 senseless; impractical; totally unsound.
 I don't agree with any of these because everyone is crazy and normal is different.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Vegetarian for a week

So just this past Monday I became a vegetarian. Tomorrow will be a full week. At first my friend was supposed to do it with me but she flaked out on me. So far so good just been kinda hard when the person your living with likes meat, a lot.  But, I find it amazing so far.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Cleaning

 Oh, the messiness of my room! Ahhh, I do believe it drives people crazy. Today it has finally started making me go crazy! But anyway its time for SPRING CLEANING in my bedroom. I moved some of my furniture around will probably move it around again lol hoping to get a desk and get rid of my T.V. stand even though I do not have a T.V. ironic enough lol all in all I am going to attempt to get rid of the junk in my room and start anew starting with these stupid pimples! lol just kidding but anyway..... Last time I was at church they talked about "spring cleaning" they said it basically meant cleaning out everything starting anew with everything! Well, is that right? I think its not because there is no right or wrong way to spring clean! Look at me I'm just spring cleaning my room! Well I've got to give the computer to my aunt so bye bye!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Surprised much? Hahahaha

Yes, I'm talking about you buddy.
This is mainly for you.
Why are you surprised that I like you?
I thought it was obvious.
Do you need the hints that I dropped?
Well I'm not going to try and figure them out for yourself. 
Confusing right?
Well anyway just gonna put it out there.
Okay so I've finally said. 
What do you have to say to that?

Teenager Point of View

Friday, March 9, 2012

Ahhhh the sweetness of friendship

I have this friend he is amazing! But the funny part is even through the ups and downs me and him have been friends for a few years now. We have even tried dating it worked out for a while but then I moved. :( But he got over it eventually and me and him started talking again. Lucky us! (P.S. I'm hyper right now) We have some awesome memories together. If I was ever given the chance I would go back and not break up with him.Well the past is the past and we have to move on so me and him both have and we are great friends. We help each other out a lot. If I didn't have him in my life I would be lost. 

One last thing if I was given the chance I would go back out with him.

Teenager Point of View!

P.S. My friend asked me to write a blog about him. So I did. Love you Buddy!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Really? Are you serious? Dude YOU have a  girlfriend you shouldn't be kissing other girls! What is wrong with you are you insane? Do you not care about your girlfriend?
You think your so sly, so amazing, that you can kiss other girls while your dating someone else. Well guess what. YOUR NOT! Sooner or later she will find out. Girls tend to talk. We are just girls. But not the point. You have a girlfriend you suppossedly "love". Do you really? I don't think so. Do you really even care about her? No, you don't. If you did you wouldn't be going around kissing other people. My advice to you is simple. It's even one word so you MIGHT understand what I'm trying to say. STOP! Just stop cheating on your girlfriend. If you wanna cheat on her then break up with her! So at least that way you can chase after any girl you want, kiss any girl you want without having to worry about a girlfriend.

But not only guys cheat so listen up gals.

STOP! It's the simplest command ever. Yes, I did say COMMAND. This is because you need to STOP immeditaly stope hurting your  boyfriend. If he is dating you he obviously cares for you. So you should care back but if you don't then just leave him. Tell him GOODBYE! But no, no one ever does that everyone always just says, "Oh, He'll never find out." Thats not true! How stupid are you? '

Well enough is enough. If you do it and get caught NO ONE will respect you anymore I know I won't.

Teenager Point of View!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Does it really matter?

Okay lately at school I've noticed people have been going on and on about weather or not someone is straight, bisexual, gay, or lesbian, so what they are who they are! I mean if a guy wants to date another guy let him! If a girl wants to date another girl let her! We don't need to make a big deal out of this! Whats the point its not like they can change who they are! I mean no matter what we say or do they will be them and date who they wanna be! Some of my closest friends are Bisexual. I don't care because they are who they are and as a friend I'm going to support them in anyway possible. I do not care what other people may think on this subject I've just gotta say this. LET US BE WHO WE WANNA BE! LET US DATE WHO WE WANNA DATE WEATHER IT BE A MALE OR FEMALE! WHO CARES! IT ISN'T OUR BUSINESS!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Even when things seem so fair away, they are closer then they appear. Even when solutions may not present themselves right then they are there you just got to search for them.
Searching. And. Searching. Seems like a lot of work doesn't it? Well yes it is but in the end it is worth it. Recently I have had to witness people trying to find themselves and a few of these people have helped me start to find myself. I love these people for that reason! I mean without these people I wouldn't have what I have today.I have everything I need a loving family, people who are not my family but I love them like they are and they treat my like I am their family. I have everything I could possibly wish for right now and in this moment. I love being where I am I love it!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Yes, today's subject is prayer. I mean as teenagers we are still finding ourselves. So maybe a little faith and trust in God could help along the way. Just recently I have been moved away from my step-mom, who was like my real mother, my step-brother and step-sister, whom I adored, and my best friend Izzy, I miss her like crazy, I was moved over 16 hours away from them to end up here in North Carolina. I love it here but it doesn't mean I don't miss them like a baby misses its favorite teddy bear. But it hasn't been easy to readjust I mean when I was little I lived here in North Carolina with my beloved Aunt. But after I left my dad's in High Point, I came here to Stedman. I love it here. It's a small and nice little town. It's in the country which I love. I am country all the way through. But, when I first came here my friends took me to their church and ever since then I have gone every Wednesday and tried to go every Sunday. But through all this I have been through a lot more then what I have said, I've been through friendship troubles, and days where I felt like nothing was every gonna go right. But in the end it does because I have faith in God. I pray just about every night. God has helped me to understand my Aunt's unpredictable mood swings. He has helped me figure out how to keep my friends. He has helped me forgive, not forget just forgive. I'm forever greatful for his help and his guidance. Without him I wouldn't be who I am today, I'm proud of who I am and who I have become. I have a great love for books that is fueled by my Aunt. Without her, my friends, and God I wouldn't be able to go from day to day without having a complete breakdown. Which I do have my days, but everyone does, or so I've been told. My Aunt doesn't judge me, she lets me be me. As a teen I need that support. I need to know I'm not all alone. I have everyone who has every supported me, guided me to the right path, loved me, cared for me, and have made me who I am as of today, to thank. I'm still growing and devolping my own ways, style, and additude. I am supported and loved. Without any of the people I have in my life I wouldn't be me. So thanks to everyone who has helped me become me!
With love,
Teenager Point of View

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Its not the end of the world!

Really your only 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 just because your boyfriend or girlfriend broke up with you its not the end of the world! There are plenty more people out there!

Don't get so depressed over one person. They aren't worth it! No one is worth your depression.

We are to young to be saying "I love you" because in all reality do we really know what it means? No, we don't!

Yes, okay I understand we "love" our video games, pets, and most treasured items. But loving someone and loving an object is two totally different things!

Trying to forget someone you love, is like trying to remember someone you never met, its impossible...and i couldn't do it if i tried.

Until Next Time,
Teenager Point of View

Teenager Point of View

Everyone says they don't understand teenagers well maybe hearing words from one will help.

Teenagers tend to act like they don't care but when in all reality they do. They just hide it under the surface so no one will ever realize how much words actually hurt us. Trust me I know from personal experience.

Teenagers aren't that different from yourself when you where their age. Yes, technology may have changed a lot, but that doesn't mean anything! Technology helps some teenagers to escape to another world, somewhere they feel like they belong. That's why we spend hours and hours online playing on Face Book and virtual worlds. Don't tell me I'm wrong about this but I'm not!

Some teenagers actually read to escape real life. I do that more then anything else! I love reading its like escaping to a whole new unknown world where you are the only one who exist. I love that filling. I love the feeling that the world revolves around me. But, anyway back to the topic.

People think "we" teenagers are insane when in all reality we act the way we do to get rid of all of our hyper-ness. Okay, yes I do realize we are supposed to be "mature" but in all reality we need our immature moments to. No one is perfect!

All teenagers want is to be understood not critized. Most of the time thats all people do. All they do is critize us.

Teen catergory's at school and descriptions:

1) Jocks- The guys who play all the sports and act like they know everything. They are usually favored by teachers.

2)Preppy- These are usually the girls who do chearleading and are the "in-crowd". They think everyone loves them but in all reality everyone dislikes them.

3)Nerds- These are the guys and girls who do debate, chess, and book club. Don't under estimate them, one day these are the people who are going to be your boss.

4)Random ones- These are the ones who like playing all the pranks and laugh at almost anything!

Until Next Time,
Teenager Point of View