Thursday, March 8, 2012


Really? Are you serious? Dude YOU have a  girlfriend you shouldn't be kissing other girls! What is wrong with you are you insane? Do you not care about your girlfriend?
You think your so sly, so amazing, that you can kiss other girls while your dating someone else. Well guess what. YOUR NOT! Sooner or later she will find out. Girls tend to talk. We are just girls. But not the point. You have a girlfriend you suppossedly "love". Do you really? I don't think so. Do you really even care about her? No, you don't. If you did you wouldn't be going around kissing other people. My advice to you is simple. It's even one word so you MIGHT understand what I'm trying to say. STOP! Just stop cheating on your girlfriend. If you wanna cheat on her then break up with her! So at least that way you can chase after any girl you want, kiss any girl you want without having to worry about a girlfriend.

But not only guys cheat so listen up gals.

STOP! It's the simplest command ever. Yes, I did say COMMAND. This is because you need to STOP immeditaly stope hurting your  boyfriend. If he is dating you he obviously cares for you. So you should care back but if you don't then just leave him. Tell him GOODBYE! But no, no one ever does that everyone always just says, "Oh, He'll never find out." Thats not true! How stupid are you? '

Well enough is enough. If you do it and get caught NO ONE will respect you anymore I know I won't.

Teenager Point of View!

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